TWIP Pinball University: Pinball Courses to Learn the Hobby

Pinball University

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Whether you are new to pinball or have been playing for many years, the TWIP Pinball University contains pinball courses for all who would like to learn more about the wonderful hobby of pinball.


Courses for those that are just getting into the hobby of pinball.

New To Pinball?

By Jeff Patterson
This course covers some basic pinball information in a very rambling way. Consider it a non-comprehensive guide to how to pinball.

Pinball for Dummies

By Will Oetting
[ 4 Lessons ]
We’ll go from pushing the start button to what is on the playfield and even some basic strategies. When you understand the basics of pinball, you will be able to fully enjoy playing each “world under glass.”

Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Pinball

By Chris Friebus
In this age of eSports, it’s only a matter of time before digital pinball joins the fray. So put aside your biases, and let me give you a brief history of what was and what is digital pinball.

Marco PinTech Series: Pinball Basics
Marco PinTech Series: Pinball Basics

By Marco TV
[ 1 Module ]
The PinTech Instructional series was created for novice pinball owners and people looking to buy their first pinball machine.


You’ve been playing pinball for a little while now and want to get some more skills.

VID’S GUIDE: Upgrading/Rebuilding Flippers

By Vadeem/Vid1900
The basics of rebuilding and upgrading your flippers.


Your years of experience doesn’t mean you can’t learn a few new things about pinball.

VID’S GUIDE: Removing Side Rails

By Vadeem/Vid1900
There are two good ways to remove Side Rails from a game, and the way you choose depends on the finish of the rails.